Eyes of the Owl - Used Books since 1978

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This page deals with books that relate to young people, including Fiction and non-fiction written for children. We also stock books written by young people and books written for adults about children on such topics as education, psychology, pastimes, summer camps, travel, etc.


          *     Camps and Camping.
          *     Children's
                        - fiction - A bunch of sections on this page, each listed according to the author's last initial.
                                  Books by Leo Edwards and Stephen W. Meader are handled differently.

                        - non-fiction: is listed at the bottom of the KIDS web page.
                                  Education and Scouting are listed seperately.

Public and school libraries should refer to my General Reference page listed by the Dewey Decimal System. My World Reference page is listed in order by continent. Approved purchase orders from U.S. institutions accompanied by correspondence on official letterhead are gladly accepted by mail.

Go to Main page | catalog index page | Order info | Specialties | Want list.

Contact: Wally Keniston, Eyes of the Owl - Books
        59B Glendon Street, Wolfeboro, N.H. 03894 U.S.A.
                Phone: (877) 569-4040.
                        E-mail:     info@usedBQQKS.com