Eyes of the Owl - Used Books since 1978
Stephen W. Meader and Leo Edwards Books
I no longer sell books by these two authors. If you are interested in new books by S.W.Meader please visit Southernskies.com who has republished "T-Model Tommy."
I do offer a TRADING SERVICE. To participate, please e-mail a list of duplicate titles that you own with information about their condition to me. Please list those titles that you are seeking and the condition that you require. There is a $15 charge for this service once an agreeable trade is established.
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Contact: Wally Keniston, Eyes of the Owl - Books
        59B Glendon Street, Wolfeboro, N.H. 03894-1876 U.S.A.
                Phone: (603) 569-4040 (shop), or substitute area code (877) to reach our toll-free voice-mail system.