Start using the CHAT function:
* Click on the red bar in the lower right corner
* * Chat will open and immediately log you in as a "Guest,"
* * * You can change the fake "Guest" name, or log in via Twitter, or keep using the fake name.
* * * * Once on chat, read what you want, then you can add an entry.
Type your own entry:
* Click above the bottom red bar to reveal a black-edged field.
* * Click again to enable typing in the field. I would love for you to say "Hi" and let me know how you found the site.
* My user name is Wally of, and I will reply if I am online.
* * Tambien, yo hablo mas que poco Espaņol si eso es interesante.
End using chat by clicking on the top red bar. You can resume chatting at any time.
If Under-Owl isn't awake, try using our other ways to communicate.
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Contact: Wally Keniston, Eyes of the Owl - Books
        59B Glendon Street, Wolfeboro, N.H. 03894-1876 U.S.A.
                Phone: (877) 569-4040 to leave a toll-free voice-mail message.