Jacob Sheman's Page

Hey i'm jake and I'm lost in html. Help, help. Their is no excuse for ignorance and I'm pretty ignorant. Well im quickly filling up space of nothingness as the french explorer ran to his dog and asked if he had a cup of tea for his aristocratic mother who is sewing an American flag for Martha Stewart and she needs your help.

Well at Milford High School everyday is a new adventure. With all the construction and the total chaos it supplies, you could imagine what it is like. Although with all the noise and aimless constuction workers just wondering around, the school is going to look really good.

Well to get on a more personal level I'll tell you a few things about me. I'm fifteen years old and I'm in the 10th grade. I play in the band at the school and I also have my own band with my friends. Our name is Sophomore Jinx. We have been together for about six months and we have played two shows.